where have we been writing and speaking?

Chen, C.S., Ebitz, R.B., Knep, E. Meyer, C.S., Herman, A., Grissom, N. (February 2021). Volatility influences exploration in reward-guided decision-making. Poster presented at Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2021.

Chen, C. S., Ebitz, R. B., Knep, E., Bindas, S., Grissom, N. (February 2020). Sex-modulated Norepinephrine Function in Mediating Exploration-exploitation Tradeoff. Poster presented at Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2020, Denver, USA.

Divergent strategies for learning in males and females. Poster by Cathy Chen, Becket Ebitz, Sylvia Bindas, Ben Hayden, & Nicola Grissom, presented at Cosyne 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, and at Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making 2019, Montreal QC

Alternative strategies of reinforcement learning driven by autism-associated genotypes and sex. Workshop talk by Nicola Grissom, Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making 2019, Montreal QC

some of our recent Posters and presentations

selected publications

Chen, C.S., Knep.E., Han. A., Ebitz, R.B., Grissom, N.M. (2020). Sex differences in learning from exploration. Manuscript in submission. Preprint available at https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.29.424773v1

Chen, C.S., Ebitz, R.B., Bindas, S.R., Redish, A.D., Hayden, B.Y., and Grissom, N.M. (2020).Chen, C.S., Becket Ebitz, R., Bindas, S.R., David Redish, A., Hayden, B.Y., and Grissom, N.M. (2020). Divergent Strategies for Learning in Males and Females. Curr. Biol. 0. Available at: http://www.cell.com/article/S0960982220314457/abstract [Accessed October 29, 2020].

Grissom, N. M. & Reyes, T. M. (2018). Let’s call the whole thing off: Evaluating gender and sex differences in executive function. Neuropsychopharmacology, 1-11. [PDF]

Esler, A. and Grissom, N. M. (2018) Why we need a mouse version of a diagnostic test for autism. Opinion piece for Spectrum news: https://www.spectrumnews.org/opinion/viewpoint/need-mouse-version-diagnostic-test-autism/

Grissom, N. M., McKee, S. E., Schoch, H., Bowman, N., Havekes, R., O'Brien, W. T., Mahrt, E., Siegel, S., Commons, K., Portfors, Nickl-Jockschat, Reyes, T. M., & Abel, T. (2017). Male-specific deficits in natural reward learning in a mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorders. Molecular Psychiatry, 23, 544-555. [PDF]

A complete list of Dr. Grissom's peer reviewed publications can be found on her Google Scholar page. 

in the news

June 2019 - Dr. Grissom was interviewed as part of a commentary on Dr. Rebecca Shanksy’s recent Perspective in Science on the biases that lead scientists to only study males: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/sex-differences-bias-male-female-lab-animals

June 2019 - The Pavlovian Society featured Dr. Grissom in an interview about the lab’s work and what she’s excited about next in the field of behavioral neuroscience: https://sydneytrask.github.io/Pavlovian-Society-Featured-Faculty/index.html#june,_2019:_dr_nicola_grissom

(and see the tweets: https://twitter.com/PavlovSociety/status/1136256356170764288 )

July 2018 - Dr. Grissom was recently interviewed by Spectrum Magazine, a publication that provides news relating to innovative autism research, about her work in the NeuroGOAL Lab. Read the full interview here. 

April 2018 - University of Minnesota Foundation: What the U's Nicola Grissom has discovered about why boys are more susceptible to autism (found here).

November 2017 - University of Minnesota Psychology Department: Nicola Grissom on Autism and Gender (found here).

May 2017 - Dr. Grissom was interviewed by the APA Monitor on recent research advances made at the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, and epigenetics.

Courses by Dr. Grissom

PSY 3011 Learning and Behavior (Spring 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)

PSY 8960 Topics: Neurobiology of Autism (Spring 2017)

PSY 8960: Topics: Cognition, Sex, and Gender (Fall 2019)